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hi, i'm anne gehman
a dance artist & embodiment coach

drawing from two decades of experience as a professional dancer and movement educator to support people in accessing  joy, ease, pleasure and a sense of safety in their bodies.  

a life-time as a dancer and movement educator has taught me that we ALL can access greater states of awareness, healing and even liberation through movement. it doesn't matter if you identify as a dancer or not, truth and power are birthed through bodies in motion.


once you learn to surrender and trust the rhythmic impulses coming through your being, you can be moved by something greater than your limited self perception. your body knows exactly what it needs to feel coherence with the earth and existence. the work is to learn to listen to what is true and present in the moment while also trusting the movement itself as the alchemy, the medicine and the insight giver.


we all could use an adept space-holder, witness and guide for remembering how to do this, that's where I come in as a somatic guide & embodiment coach.


for the past 6 years, i've been gathering the secrets of what dancing knows & sharing them through a somatic healing lens...

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my process is simple

somatic guidance is for anyBODY who is seeking to feel more safety and freedom in their daily lives.

01. book a free 30 min consultation 

02. select the best membership for you

03. dive into the process

more about anne,


anne gehman is a multi-disciplinary dance artist, movement educator and embodiment coach.


anne’s work finds grounding in the belief that “dancing” carries its own wisdom. this wisdom (the kind that emerges from dancing) is contagious! it’s quantum. it is entanglement made visible, magic. it is for every-BODY. channeling the wisdom of our moving bodies is a direct learning path for building our collective embodied liberation.


anne has served as dance faculty for university of california san diego and san diego state university, as well as san diego dance theater. her largest community project and ongoing research, giving way was presented in the mingei museum in balboa park and in the potiker theater in la jolla, california.


anne is currently studying indigenous teachings with her mentor, maria yraceburu (13th generational holy one, tlish diiyin, snake clan, apache). in this work, anne is repairing her relationship with the land and deepening her understanding of ancestral webs; through prophecy, mythos, ritual enactments, performing ceremonial life rites, dream/ vision-keeping and stone-walking the medicine wheel.


beyond her private practice, anne remains an active contributor to southern california's vibrant dance communities. her most recent project is the creation of dance voyages, with collaborating artist, emily aust. anne & emily create workshops & classes, inviting participants to explore local parks and trails, dancing with the elements and communing with the mysteries.


while in weekly practice with emily aust, anne encounters the mysteries of elemental speak, awestruck by the larger animate forces that move us from within; contacting the really-real, intimacy made possible through being alive and dancing.


Anne holds an M.F.A in Dance Theater; University of California San Diego. B.F.A in Dance; Jacksonville University, Jacksonville, Florida.
200 hour Interconnected Yoga Teacher Certification.
Founder of BodySpaceGnosis, Embodiment Coaching


values & practices


this is our birthright! many lineages of wisdom keepers who have fought and continue to fight for collective liberation and wholeness, teach that we must learn to move in mysterious ways to overcome that which seeks to oppress us. this requires a fierce love and guardianship of creativity & play. valuing making no matter what medium... i feel honored in this life to get to be in this practice. 


this word holds many things for me: listening, checking my assumptions, letting people be who they be, attending to what's mine & giving others the space to do the same. presence. dropping agendas, dropping hustle culture, beginners mind, opening to not-knowing, unraveling hierarchies, acknowledging attachments & aversions, embracing presence as a warm & inviting inner teacher.

loving fiercely

prayers for life, co-creationship, reciprocity, boundaries, naming injustices, embracing our differences and upholding uniqueness with reverence. we are all our relations, what we do to one impacts the whole of creation let us do our best in each moment to remember. accountability, speaking up for those who can't. breaking spells, breaking trauma cycles. soul sovereignty. communing.


there are times when its unsafe to be honest, like inside of abusive relationships or within certain institutional frameworks...

but we must find a way to be honest with ourselves.

then empower ourselves to weave that into as many aspects of our lives as is possible... because our conscience matters. it matters to our health physically and spiritually. it matters to the health of our community eco-systems.


where we make space for
the mystery and magic of somatic inquiry... 

did you know bodyspacegnosis has a youtube channel?

dance alchemy classes, yoga classes, meditations, energetic hygiene and talks about soul soveriegnty and collective liberation.

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